05 Jul It’s Time For Cake – Hip Hip Hooray
Just a few weeks ago I was putting yellow smarties on a lime-green dinosaur cake to celebrate my little guy’s 1st birthday! Today I’m cake decorating again (minus the lime-green) because COMUNiTI turns 10!
To celebrate our 10 year milestone we created a series to showcase the awesome people who have shared in our journey. It’s been so rewarding — not only reflecting on everything we’ve achieved — but also thinking deeply about the next 10 years and what lies ahead for COMUNiTI and how we will continue to influence our human experience of work.
It may have taken 100 years and a global pandemic to redefine the notion of ‘work’ and ‘workplace’, but I believe there are so many more fascinating changes just around the corner.
For example, research has shown a significant causal relationship between open-plan office noise and physiological stress. In parallel, other studies are putting forward a strong and measurable business case for integrating more biophilia in workplace design.
In other conversations, the concept of ‘work states’ is gaining momentum, a personal favourite! This is the idea that employees seek out work spaces that suit their personality profiles and their physical, emotional, and mental state at any given time. It really takes the concept of personalisation and flexibility to another level. But it makes a lot of sense if we want employees to be their best, and do their best work.
As we look ahead at what the next 10 years has in store, COMUNiTI is excited to see how we can further our own research, utilising data-driven studies to explore people’s physiological responses to various purpose-built work spaces, and then using that data to continuously improve and enhance our work environments. I look forward to sharing news about what we discover!
Thank you again to the community of people who have supported our journey these past 10 years. I think it’s true that a spirit of community trumps a spirit of competition every time. When we share our knowledge, insights, and success, we can all have our cake, and eat it too!