Following a detailed Workplace Strategy process, it was determined that Fortitude Valley would be the best location for EDMI to lay down their roots for the future growth of the organisation. A smart metering company, EDMI have a complex business requiring sales, research & development, testing & calibration and laboratories.
With a growing workforce with a shifting focus towards a younger generation the organisation needed to rethink what an office looked like, to create a new and invigorating space to work that inspired their creativity and innovation.
The result is a hyrbid workplace that balances traditional work points with collaboration and quiet work settings, unallocated seating and large communal dining space, laboratory and workshop space.
Taking our design ques from the colour and form of a Rubix cube the design is colourful, playful and “cube-like” in its application. References to EDMI’s end client, the home owner, are present in the brick cladding and residential styling of the dining space. The result is a progressive workplace environment which encapsulates their brand and culture.