

Sharing our Workplace & Leasing Strategy that provided Hall Chadwick with the scientific data to support their leasing decision. [vc_video link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWIvWqXOk34'] KEY...

  “With the complexities of new technology, flexible working, outsourcing and generational change to name a few, workplaces are changing… what strategies can we implement to support the change from a variety of angles ensuring we remain connected to ourselves, our peers, and our organisation?”
If you knew that a decision you were making for your business could constrain its future potential, would you do it? Surprisingly business leaders make these decisions unknowingly every day and this decision can have a significant impact on one of your most expensive assets; your people.

In this webinar we’ll delve deeper into how your workplace environment can be guided by your overall corporate strategy, but more directly your health and wellness strategy, to create spaces that influence behavioral change.